The kitchen (2019)

Womarts > The kitchen (2019)


Dennise Vaccarello (Lugo, 1989) is an artist and researcher who works from landscape building codes. 
She graduated from the University of Barcelona with a degree in Fine Arts and is currently working on a thesis that focuses on the imaginary of the island and its implications in the re-creation of the global ecosystem.


Independent artist


The kitchen (2019)

Installation, Deiglan Gallery, Akureyri.

The piece is articulated through different elements. On the one hand, a video played in a loop -as a GIF- shows us the view from a window: a melting stalactite and the sound of a shovel digging in the snow. On the other hand, the sketch of a coffee maker and an ordinary cloth help to create the kitchen space. Next to it, on a pedestal, are the remains of breakfast. Magnified with a loupe, they look like a great landscape. Our landscape.