Some people

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María Meijide, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 1978. Visual artist based in Galicia with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Seville (2003) and a MA in Painting from the Fine Arts University of Lisbon, (2012) Thesis title: Intimidades próprias e alheias. Sobre a pintura de cenas de interior. Specialist in big format figurative painting, travel books, maps and somehow conceptual art conected with pubicity and economy under a critical perspective.

Her artistic production is in line wih this statement: “I make art against the idea of ​​bigness, I work with autobiographic tracks that places us at the material base of life. Space to sleep, food, the kitchen and its appliances, the workspace, etc. I take this subjects as an intimate subversion against certain ‘important narratives’: the discourse of high culture (rohopografía vs megalografía). It is a work rooted in the present.”

She has had exhibitions in different cities, in Spain and abroad. Arlés(France), Milano (Italy), Zacatecas (México), Brussels (Belgium), Lisbon (Portugal), Marseille (France), Madrid, Seville, Santiago, Monforte de Lemos, Lalín, Ponferrada, etc.

Two international travelbook publications: From Ushuaia to La Quiaca (Lila bookstore, Santiago de Compostela 2017) and From Kuala Lumpur o Beijing (CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, 2015)


Some awards and mentions

Alfara-CIEC Encounter Scholarship, Alfara Center, Salamanca, September 2017 / Guest artist at Miradas de Cans, Cans filmfestival, Galicia, May 2017 / Guest artist at FILBA, Buenos Aires International Book Fair, May 2016 / Acquisition Prize, XIV Isaac Díaz Pardo Visual Arts Contest, with the work A estantería, Provincial Government of A Coruña, October 2015 / 1º prize in painting Contest 2014 Colegio Oficial de médicos de Pontevedra, whith the piece A torneira, Pontevedra, august 2014 
/ 1º Encontro de artistas novos Scholarship, Cidade da Cultura , Santiago, September 2011 / Acquisition Prize at the XI Contest of Fine Arts Isaac Diaz Pardo , with the piece A Contrarreló . Provincial Government of A Coruña, September 2009 / 1st Prize in Painting Contest XII, Colegio Oficial de médicos de Pontevedra, with the piece Bodegón, Pontevedra, August 2009 / 1st prize , Operación Frechazo in Roteiro de creación contemporánea, Santiago, June 2009 / Scholarship landscape workshop Blanca taught by Federico Guzmán , Murcia, September 2008 / 2nd prize , Operación Frechazo in Roteiro de creación contemporánea, Santiago, June 2008 / Acquisition Prize in the X Contest of Fine Arts Isaac Diaz Pardo with the piece África para Samba, Provincial Government of A Coruña, June 2007 / Rumbo Zacatecas. Artistic Project Development and residence in Zacatecas, Mexico, Rojo Urbiola Foundation scholarship. May, June 2007 / 1 Accesit prize in the Second call for Painting Contest Arte galega Xove, with the piece Milán portomarínico, Santiago, January 2007 / Tallens Scholarship , awarded by Royal- Tallens, Barcelona, 2002-2003 academic year / First prize for painting outdoors, Montellano Council, Seville, May 2002 / Iberoamerican Award Plain Air Painting, Huelva, June 2002.

Exhibitions and others

Edito e mando, individual exhibition at the SELIC2020 fair, Fonseca, Santiago, October 2020 / Arte Ambulante, collective exhibition, San Sadurniño City Council, November 2019 / Oia Usté! Project in the program Camiño (A) dentro, curated by Paula Cabaleiro, Deputación de Pontevedra, Oia, October 2019 / Valença loves Tui and viceversa, solo show, municipal archive of Valença, June 2019 / Sábado tarde me enjabono o Tui loves Valença and viceversa, solo show in the municipal hall of the municipality of Tui, May 2019 / Casa & Concepto, project presentation with the artist Lúa Gándara, Cara a Cara conferences, Luis Seoane Foundation, A Coruña, March 2019 / CuadernoFest, presentation De Ushuaia a La Quiaca, Zaragoza, October 2018 / De kuala Lumpur a Beijing. Presentation of Asian travelbook, CGAC, Santiago, December 2015 / Cambio de planos. Cartography elaboration workshop, CGAC, December 2015 / Bodegóns a Granell. Favorite piece at the Granell Foundation, Santiago, October 2015 / A praza e outros lugares. Solo exhibition, Abastos market, december 2014 / Do papel ao xesto. Libros de artistas e outras diverxencias at the Pazo de Cultura, Pontevedra, October 2014 / Santiago illustrado. Group exhibition, Casa del Cabildo, Santiago, July 2014 / Emotional Santiago. Presentation/exhibition of an author map. Granell Foundation , Santiago, July, 2014 / A day at the Casa de Velázquez, group exhibition at Casa Velázquez, Madrid, April 2014 / Bye-Bye Lisbon Exhibition-intervention in Convento das Monicas, Lisbon, June 2013 / Amigos amores e outras cousas, solo exhibition at Gallery Metro, Santiago, December, 2012 / O amor e outras desordens, solo exhibition at ArtePeriférica, CCB, Lisbon, February 2012 / Fresh, fresh, group exhibition at Metro Gallery, Santiago, December, 2011 / Container inside, collective project, Cidade da Cultura, Santiago, November 2011 / Que ves cando me ves? Collective exhibition Casa das Asociacións, Santiago, June 2011 / Lisboa e outros asuntos de cama , solo exhibition in COAG, Santiago, February, 2011 / O ollo vago. Drawing Workshop held at the CGAC, August 2010 / Group exhibition at Parcours d’Artists of St.Gilles, Brussels, May 2010 / The trips corazón travelbook workshop held at the CGAC, Santiago, May 2009 / Asuntos de andar por casa y otras intimidades, solo exhibition, gallery, Ponferrada, April 2008 / Del taller a la Patagonia y otros asuntos domésticos, solo exhibition at Sargadelos Gallery Monforte de Lemos, September 2007 / Qué Babaridad! Painting-poetic project with the poet Lucia Aldao; Passau, Germany, August 2007 / GzCrea 2007 collective exhibition a Zona C, Santiago, November 2007 / El taller a contrarreló. Solo exhibition at El Correo Gallego, Santiago, January 2007.


Independent artist


Some people


Some portrais from 2008 to 20012

My friends used to be my models.

These paintings were exhibited in Brussels, Parcours  d’Artists of St. Gilles, May 2010, Lisbon, Do Amor e outras desordens, Arteperiférica, CCB, February 2012,  in Santiago de Compostela, Amigos, amores e outras cousas, Galería Metro,  December 2012, Qué ves cando me ves? Casa das Asociacións, June 2011,  Lisboa e outros assuntos de cama, COAG, February 2011 and in Ponferrada, Asuntos de andar por casa e outras intimidades,, April 2008.