“Mary Shelley, la muerte del monstruo”, Raquel Lagartos, Julio César Iglesias, Diábolo Ediciones (1ªed. 2016, 2ªed. 2018, Spain), Piemme Edizioni (2018, Italy)
“Mary Shelley: la muerte del monstruo” is a story about the life and death of the creator of the most famous monster ever. This graphic novel studies Victorian’s dark fascination with death and fantasies about using science to reanimate corpses and achieve life after death. In that historical background, we rebuild the complex psychology of Mary Shelley, marked by an unhappy life. At a time when doctors had the right to unearth or kill family members, Mary Shelley forces us to ask ourselves about the true identity of the monster. Where does the mind of the creator start and where does the mind of the monster ends?