Friendship. Rishograph in three inks.

Womarts > visual arts > Friendship. Rishograph in three inks.


1993, Caracas-Galicia. After studying Fine Arts at the University of Granada, I’ve finished the Master in Illustrated Book and Audiovisual Animation at the University of Vigo. Currently, I am taking an advanced course in illustration at La Escuela Minúscula (Madrid). I love to read, walk without any direction in my city and explore forests in my hometown, Galicia.


Independent artist


Friendship. Rishograph in three inks.

Friendship. A microhistory in three colors.

Once upon a time there was a ghost that swept in front of his house, in the woods. After a hard day’s work, his friend the ferocious fish appeared. He had had a horrible day. But he had a friend so quiet that he helped calm him down with a good cup of coffee.