
Womarts > Covid1


Fiona Linnane is a composer, based in Ireland, specialising in Opera and vocal music.  In 2020 she was recipient of the Art Council of Ireland Music Bursary Award for explorations into the use of music technology and electronics in her practice.

Current projects include No.2 Pery Square, a site responsive opera, in collaboration with Limerick based production company Opera Workshop (funded by the Arts Council of Ireland Opera Commissions Award 2020).  She was awarded the Limerick City and County Council Individual Arts Bursary 2018 and 2019, for work in opera and art song.  Works include short operas Off Tuskar and Bay of Fundy; comic arias Songs of the Meteorologist and Art Songs Songs from Kate O’Brien (in collaboration with poet Mary Coll).

In 2021 Linnane worked on several projects exploring sound art, creative audio and installation.   This included a reflective piece on the pandemic based on the poem ‘Covid1’ by Mary Coll and the soundtrack for the short film From the Well featuring electronics and spoken word.


Arts Council of Ireland Music Bursary Award 2020

Arts Council of Ireland Agility Award 2021


Independent artist