These paintings were exhibited on Edito e mando, solo show at the SELIC2020 fair, Fonseca, Santiago, October 2020 / Valença loves Tui and viceversa, solo show, municipal archive of Valença, June 2019 / Sábado tarde me enjabono o Tui loves Valença and viceversa, solo show in the municipal hall of the municipality of Tui, May 2019 / Casa & Concepto, project presentation with the artist Lúa Gándara, Cara a Cara conferences, Luis Seoane Foundation, A Coruña, March 2019 / Amigos amores e outras cousas, solo exhibition at Gallery Metro, Santiago, December, 2012 / O amor e outras desordens, solo exhibition at ArtePeriférica, CCB, Lisbon, February 2012