Ulla Žibert (1988, Trbovlje) is a visual artist, working mostly in the medium of painting and graphics. In 2015 she gratuated in Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana. In her work she focuses on the reinterpretation of seemingly ordinary everyday phenomena, where she builds and develops content that questions the self-evidentness of everyday defaults and thus introduces both social and ecological issues. In her works she often includes texts and wordplay. Through manipulation of text she creates situations that explore the relationship between language, image and meaning.
She presents her works in group and solo exhibitions. Among them it is worth mentioning the solo exhibition To ni / To je (Gallery Simulaker, Novo Mesto/Slovenia, 2020) and group exhibitions “Za narodov blagor” (Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana/Slovenia, 2020) and We are all absolute beginners, AIR4 edition (Galerija Ravnikar Gallery space , Ljubljana/Slovenia, 2021). For her work she has received the Grand Prix Ex-tempore Piran award (Pirano/Slovenia, 2017), her works have also been included in public and private collections.
– 2017; 1st. Prize/GRAND PRIX at the 52th international painting event EX-TEMPORE Pirano/Slovenia
– 2008; Group award for oustanding academic achievements, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana
– 2007; Award for outstanding academic achievements, Academy of Fine Arts, University of Ljubljana
Independent artist